Raw Story:
WASHINGTON — Former president George W. Bush scrapped plans to address a summit of young leaders and business executives this weekend because Wikileaks founder Julian Assange would also speak to the group, his office said Friday.
"The former president has no desire to share a forum with a man who has willfully and repeatedly done great harm to the interests of the United States," his spokesman said in a statement.
Far be it from me to contrast the relative amount of '...harm to the interests of the United States' performed by either of these fellows - for that, we have the incomparably succinct emptywheel.
That being said, don't let that nasty Australian barebacker frighten you, Georgy boy - his lusty convict bloodline is no match for your fine breeding. You go on in there with those noted oratorical skills and tell him all about the price of freedom...or oil...or even...
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