That said, a centennial event like this doesn't come along just every century. Why, you'd have to go pretty far back to find a topper for the luckiest pitchman ever.
Allow me to review some of the warmth that I feel for this fellow who put so much glamor and dash into the banality of evil, dear readers.

In closing, all the best to the Great the torrid climate to which he was doubtless assigned...eternally.
Nobody does it better DB!
I considered, then rejected, noting the "occasion", but figured that others would do the man as he deserved.
Maybe someday, instead of children learning of his awesomeness, they will instead look at his feats of destruction and ruin as the truly bad ideas that they were.
a priceless gallery!
There are just so many things wrong with picture #2. ;p
Other than that.. .....
... what the hell is going on in that picture anyways?
Do I want to know? :D
db comes through like a champ as always. You're a national (Canadian) treasure.
I love you, man!
once again your genius shines.....
as for Ronnie
As usual, spot on my friend.
There are two people I would like to skull fuck, Reagan and Cheney.
While I agree Raygun was evil, he was not as evil as Cheney--he held on to some of the New Deal (or rather, his econo. men did. Reagan was after Hinckley shot him, mostly following orders IMHE). He may be in Hell, but he's not in satan's butt, like BushCo boys will be
I know I have not told you lately how much I adore and admire you DB..but I do. ;) There is quite the turnout today for the Feast of St. Ronnie which does my black heart good as I despise that fucker with every fiber of my being. Did I ever tell you that I visited his grave and spat upon it? I was then quickly escorted off the property by a couple of security guys who told me that wasn't nice and if they saw me again they would find something to charge me with.
Reagan was a stupid f**k, at least until he was shot. Then he was mostly a senile stupid f**k. YET in terms of a death-metric, Bill Clinton, BushCo, and...Obama himself have killed a whole lot more humans than did Reagan the farm boy.
Laura, you'd have to ask the guy on the other end. I believe his name is Dick...
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