Happy birthday, Frank Vincent Zappa.
...And so another Zappadan ends - Or begins, if you prefer the alternate time/space construct.
I would like to thank Mr. Mark Hoback of Fried Green al-Qaedas and The Aristocrats for being a perfectly succulent cheese hostess this year, along with the many participants including but not necessarily limited to:
Urantian Sojourn, Ketchup Is A Vegetable, The Brain Police, Contingencies, Iranianredneck, Salmon Alley, Under the Lobsterscope, Bildungblog, Mikeb302000, Welcome to Pottersville 2, Outside the Interzone, Zen Comix, Mock Paper Scissors, Skippy the Bush Kangaroo, The Jade Gate, From Laurel Street, I Painted My Fridge Red, Uncommon Squalor, Ornery Bastard, Loud Mouth Soup, Wisdom of the West, Illiterate Electorate, Like Dancing About Architecture, Rawrahs, Yoshizen's Blog, Luiz Woodstock, Frank Zappa in Hungary and France, News Hounds, the grrlicious Freida Bee, The Culture Ghost and The Guys From Area 51, A Modified Dog, After The Bridge, Mad Dog Media, Tiny Little Circles, ShortWoman, MF Blog, Dave Knows Portland, 68comeback special, The Adventures of Zevo Calamari & Boo, The Anchovy Daiquiri Shack, Blckdgrd and preeminent liberal meanie Blue Gal.
Thank them, and thank you all, dear viewers and participants.
Until next year...The poodle is closed.
Happy birthday, Frank.
You left treasure in your wake.
A Strictly Genteel Finale for the Greasiest Zappadan Yet....
What a pumpkin.
Always a pleasure to see what other folks are doing to celebrate. I learn something new every year.
Idn't he cute!
Some great posts/embeddings/disembowelings db.
Watch out not only for ...huskies, but for....those unsavory jazz discharge par-tay hats
Great pic, db. And kudos aplenty for your fine contributions to the 'dan this year.
The innertubes iz a special place to meet friends and celebrate stuff.
Thanks for your pics and stewardship of all things Zappa.
Love your stuff.
Frank forever.
And my poodle is never closed.
Dancin' Fool,
The poodle is closed.
Grrr. Your post makes me wish I still produced ye olde boobie milke, DB. I'll take the long version of Zappadan, and wish you a beauty until 12-4-10!
Love you back, meanie.
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