...Ah, the joys of the 'recycled Internet Christmas card'. I'm loathe to provide a 'classic' as opposed to new material but unfortunately, (like life for many of you also I'm sure) time is short and the demands on it are multitudinous.
Nevertheless...naughty or nice, my wishes to you all for a wonderful holiday season filled with love, dear readers.
You guys celebrate Xmas up north? What happened to the ritual moose slaughter? ;-)
moose slaughter? I thought it was baby seal slaughter...
And mine to you, db.
for a wonderful holiday season filled with love
And to you as well.
Merry Christmas.
I've been quite remiss in my commenting duties here, but hope to correct that as the new year will hopefully hold more time for me to communicate with those that make more sense than the blithering mesh-backs that infest this portion of Kentucky
wishing you the merriest of merries db and the best that the new year has to offer
Merry Christmas!
Back at ya, db.
Merry Christmas my man.
A cool yule to you as well, db.
Merry Christmas, DB, and Happy Boxing Day!
Thanks for all you do for us.
DB -
Have yourself a merry little whatevs.
Thanks for all the laughter and insight this year, again. It's always a treat to see what your very creative mind comes up with next.
So, pimp juice is what kids are callin' the Koolaid these days?
Have yourself some wonderful ho-days, too, DB!
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