Hey, Michelle Bachmann and Eric Cantor...When your little flock of tea partiers without a clue start comparing Nazi death camps to programs for affordable health care in America, and you stand right there looking at it, urging it on, feeding the beast to satisfy your ego's immature need for attention...Godwin's law stops applying and mental health laws start.
Only utter jackasses with no sense of perspective or history could countenance such a thing, and stand by grinning while it is done.
'Revolution'? Don't make me laugh, motherf*ckers.
You and yours are the reactionary status quo looking to get busy killing anybody you don't like to 'show your freedom'.
May your god have mercy on you, because I won't.
Thanks, db.
The proof's in the pudding.
They haven't a clue.
Another testament to the dumbed-down educational system that presents us daily with such well-educated public servants.
And are they ever serving us well now.
(violent wretching)
Only utter jackasses with no sense of perspective or history could countenance such a thing, and stand by grinning while it is done.
Like you all wouldn't vote for Bachmann if your water supply was flooded with LSD. C'mon.
Shades of Charles Coughlin
(I don't doubt you get the allusion, DB, but other readers might not)
I agree with your premise Randal, but I'm thinking more along the lines of Phencyclidine.
That's an apt analogy, CK - like the infamous churchman, these people are attempting to put an imprimatur of respectability on eliminationist behavior and ideology and it must be called out for what it is, and resisted with all means.
bachmann probably never heard of dachau
i dont there is a more loathsome person alive today - she even has palin beat in the insanity and despicableness categories
DCap, I've been accused of performing cheap shots and trafficking in the forbidden on certain parties and ideologies, and possibly with good reason from some perspectives - but there are some things that escape japery and jest.
This woman and her fellow travelers like Beck and Limbaugh have demonstrated that they will say anything to rile up their mob should they deem it necessary - no limits, yet they refuse to take any sort of moral responsibility for the outcome.
Cowardly and contemptible in addition to being wrong on a cellular level, so it would seem.
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