Raw Story:
Fire Geithner and Summers, prominent Democrat says
'We may have to sacrifice just two more jobs to get millions back for Americans'
President Barack Obama "is being failed by his economic team" and should replace Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner and White House economic policy director Larry Summers, says US House Rep. Peter DeFazio.
The prominent member of the Congressional Progressive Caucus told MSNBC's The Ed Show that he and other House members are growing increasingly frustrated by a White House economic policy that focuses on maintaining the financial stability of Wall Street firms while largely overlooking Main Street concerns.
Geithner and Summers have been looking for America, and they can't seem to find it anywhere...But Wall Street.
But in general, I'm all in favor of kicking both of their asses out onto the street. Maybe it's a California thing?
10G, there is a school of thought advanced by some very serious people that upon discovery of errors in a methodology leading to an undesirable outcome, the perpetrators of those errors be brought back into the fold to 'clean up their own mess', so to speak.
I am not one of those within that school. Within my cosmology, upon finding a massive screaming f*ckup, one collars the perps and grills them on how and why they did it for background purposes, then releases them to the tender mercies of fate's judgment and whatever penalties might apply.
Afterward, call in the cleaners to tidy up the rubbish and pave the way for a new team to formulate a different recovery strategy. Unfortunately, bringing people with such obviously contradictory allegiances 'back into the fold' usually sees them do what they have done all along - reward their peer class at the expense of the masses - a further negative result... unless one is desirous of that probable denouement, of course.
are these the guys from Blazing Saddles that at the beans?
I knew the metaphor for this piece wouldn't be an easy ride, DCap.
Goddamn the pusherman, the money's in the tank!
Nee! Nee! Nee! Bailouts.
It's Easy Rider, or I'm completely in my cups.
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