Steaks From Sacred Cows, Cheap
You know, Rush as a depraved, psychopathic, pill-popping, serial-killing clown would be more frightening than Battlefield Earth. ;-)
Yeah, that is just about how I have imagined Mikey likes it.
I ask myself: Who is Steele looking at and begging for his life?Who else would have a bathroom with lemon fruit wallpaper— besides Karl Rove?
Disturbing...but so real
This is my meat and potatoes today too. God love the big bloated sweating windbags for the entertainment. I haven't had so much fun since... Oh hell, I haven't been having enough fun since my ill-fated fling with Cal.
switched at birth with john wayne gacy
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You know, Rush as a depraved, psychopathic, pill-popping, serial-killing clown would be more frightening than Battlefield Earth. ;-)
Yeah, that is just about how I have imagined Mikey likes it.
I ask myself: Who is Steele looking at and begging for his life?
Who else would have a bathroom with lemon fruit wallpaper— besides Karl Rove?
Disturbing...but so real
This is my meat and potatoes today too. God love the big bloated sweating windbags for the entertainment. I haven't had so much fun since... Oh hell, I haven't been having enough fun since my ill-fated fling with Cal.
switched at birth with john wayne gacy
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