Nope, sorry Orally, there's still some juice to be squeezed from that falafel. You'll be Mr. Congenital.

...Now just you stop it, mister - besides, it's not time for the swimsuit competition yet. And you, Beck - You'll get the prize when...well...

Hey, who let that old-timer in here? Someone put Grandpa Caligula back into the cone of silence.

...Ah, at last - That's our winner. Shake it for the folks back home, big boy.
These are the moments that I envy the blind.
I'm absolutely terrified.
Get b l e a c h must wash e y e s.
Very very funny! How I envy your skill and wicked wicked wit.
i KNOW you did not photoshop rush
All it took was a faked Arbitron and some Guatemalan cabana boys to create the magic, DCap. Oh, and some Oxy to take the edge off, some Blue V's to get the heat...The things I do for public service.
Holy-friggin-shit..I am gonna have nightmare's tonight dude! ;p
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