...To do snarky Photoshop work that doesn't dabble in the sort of brain-damaged racist tripe enjoyed by Klannish mouth-breathers and drug-addled ratings hounds...or unpatriotic defacers of national landmarks, for that matter. Leave the low-hanging fruit alone, son.

Word to the wise
I can't lie. If they were actually going to add Bedtime for Bonzo to Mt. Rushmore, I'd have to support it.
I think it's imperative that such a thing should come to pass, Randal...The alternative is too horrible to contemplate, save by godless socialist liberal fascists of course.
Haha! I kinda love the alternative! ;p
Truly, you are, the photoshop master!
Well, it might be better if some of your cookies were at the base, Laura - just to offset the utter lack of patriotic nutrition, you understand.
The Alpha and the Omega.
From reluctant president to consummate actor ushering in
fantasy based everything.
Is that a Dr. Zaius operative Reagan's suckling?
Don't get me wrong. I love America, I just don't know where to find it anymore.
Db~ You can have some of my cookies anytime. :)
'Is that a Dr. Zaius operative Reagan's suckling?'
Of course, Rehctaw...The Fall Of Man always requires a convenient national monument as a redolent backdrop.
Good one, DB!
ZC, you say the goodest things.
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