Monday, March 22, 2010

Actually, THIS is 'bunk'...

Only A Dream, Turdblossom

...and all the shouty TV softball lobs in the world won't change that type of 'blanket coverage'.

Enjoy your new healthcare reform, Karl. I hear aspirin might be going on sale.



Utah Savage said...

Nice work. If only it were true. I'm hoping Rush follows through on his promise to leave the country if we passed healthcare. He'll have a hard time finding a country that doesn't have universal healthcare. Costa Rica not only has universal healthcare and good public education, it also has no army. Good luck GOPers finding a country backward and uneducated enough to suit your tastes.

Cleveland Bob said...

That's perhaps my all time favorite piece of yours, db. The only thing I might've added would've been an orange jumpsuit beneath his blue blankey.

Madam Z said...

Is his mouth full of tea bags?

darkblack said...

Gym socks and quail eggs, Madam Z.
