Regular readers, and perhaps even the mildly disinterested may have noted my apparent lack of candor regarding any personal details save the minorish - a policy that I adhere to not out of an overweening desire to cultivate an air of unearned mystery, but primarily for subjective security concerns due to the occasionally controversial nature of my artistic trifles...Unlikely, of course that knowing my real name, favorite breakfast cereal, preferences in leisure wear or similarly Tiger Beatish questions would stop the course of time, cure the heartbreak of teenage acne or garner me one more curious observer than my little blog could bear.
Perhaps this sort of situational paranoia is unwarranted - but given the climate of armed zanies unable to grasp the simple concept that killing what they do not approve of is not very nice, gossipy backbiters seeking to denigrate what they could never dream up or execute in a geological era dedicated to their piddly efforts exclusively, and all the colorful shades of agendas and surveillance in between...Well...
That said, I do enjoy interacting with my fellow travelers and creators. Most who operate within this format do as well, I presume...else, why indulge oneself by shouting into the vacuum?
Thus, if there is a reasonable inquiry regarding philosophies or works that has you flummoxed, perplexed, or otherwise excited in some deliciously tantalizing way, dear reader, then the comments section in this post is for you.
Overly personal questions might be gently ignored, but direct provocations will be crushed.
Where can I get my poodle clipped in Telluride?
Might I suggest Whiskers and Tails, ZC?
You obviously excel at Geography, lets move on to Physics... how much force is required to knock over the jockeys on Rumsfeld's lawn?
ZC, in the matter of lawn jockeys I can't tell you if the use of force today will last five days, five weeks or five months, but it won't last any longer than that.
Very slick...you realized it was a trick question! The next 6 months will be critical in the Long Hard Jockey Slog.
OK, last question has to do with Color Theory...the blog is just fantastic, that is really what I think, and oh, by the way, which one's Pink?
But you didn't tell me the name of the game, ZC.
I saw a stumblebum pee on the third rail. He called it his "stream of consciousness".
Don't try this at home, professional urinator on a closed course!
Why, that's electrifying. No doubt, Mr.Mendicant shone out like a shaft of gold when all around was dark.
pc or mac?
Hi, Suzanne. I'm trained on both, but I currently work PC only.
As to preference? Terribly wishy washy, either will do, but I am fond of Mac's resilience. Tools shouldn't be cantankerous.
How many bowls of fried cheese would it takes for Rush to completely seal off every arterial passage?
I'm afraid I'll have to defer to Dick Cheney on that question, Randal.
Do you stay there all winter?
In Canada, M. Hart?
Indeed, the iron fist of socialism holds me in its frozen clutches year-round.
Must be nice clutches.
Thanks for your quick wit, gracious good humor and generosity with your gifts!
You're quite welcome, Suzan, although my preference would be for travel - There's a lot of the world left to be experienced, but like most of the rest of the regular folks thrown into a cauldron of uncertainty by the greed and stupidity of a few, I've had to forsake such indulgence just to get by.
boxers or briefs?
Who put the ram in the rama lama ding dong?
DCap - depends.
driftglass - the one who made my baby fall in love with me.
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