And of course, one could always find something more ornately apropo:

There are many who like a touch of levity:

...And couples who wish to explore their secret desires.

Perhaps some would like to pay tribute to a pop group of the day:

However you choose to advertise your inner self, have a safe event, and please don't play any juvenile pranks...if you can help it.

You know, by now I should know that beverages and a vist to darkblack do not go together.
And shirt!
Hahahahah- that is great. Oh the look on Bolton's face is what got me most.
oh db, you continue to surpass yourself!
I'm gonna need a sneezeguard if I come here again -- which I will.
Tengrain (who is wiping spittle off his laptop)
Good heavens, this blogging is getting expensive...Dry cleaning and peripheral device bills, track fees, sneeze guards...
DB you must have too much time on your hands. Maybe we could use your talents to fight al Qeada like the Monty Python funniest joke in the world. Why are you wasting your great destructive powers here?
The John McCain through the W crotch shot epitomizes your finesse with details and makes me think you're one sexy mofo. ;)
Ha. I commented the wrong post. I'll put it where I meant it.
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