When I was younger, I developed a taste for speculative fiction, nurtured by the works of Harlan Ellison, Philip K. Dick, and
many other worthies, including
Ray Bradbury.
Now, I don't insist that a creator of any artistic work share my personal politics or philosophies of life...For me, divergence of opinion is the air that Art breathes.
And yet, from
Raw Story:
Contrary to widespread critical and mass opinion accumulated over fifty years, author Ray Bradbury insists that his classic novel Fahrenheit 451, originally published in 1953 during the McCarthy era, isn't really about government censorship.
According to the renowned author, "We've never had censorship in this country and we've never burned books. There are temporary lapses."
Really, Mr. Bradbury?
While it is
well within your creator's rights to offer a revisionistic opinion of your own works 5 decades later, (noting the fact that the title of
your work refers to "
the temperature at which book-paper catches fire, and burns", and is set in a time where the possession of books by individuals is banned by government fiat)
...As to your
latter assertion regarding American bookburning, I need offer you only
one name:
Wilhelm Reich.